
Taiwan Trip Part I

First trip back to Taiwan since moving to Japan...

12/25 飛機到達臺北, 移動到內湖
- it took pretty much the entire day to get to Neihu. First thing is to get an internet connection. The apartment is pretty bare since no one has lived there for about 6 months,so of course there wasn't a fixed internet line. I had decided beforehand to get a 3.5G modem, so that I could use it outside too. Only after getting the modem had I realized that I couldn't get an 3.5G account... because the provider needs 2 piece of local identification for application, and I only had one...

12/26 信義誠品, 燒肉晚餐
- spend the afternoon (yes we slept in)near 101. did some book shopping and delivered a Sony cybershot to a friend who in turn helped paying my salary. Then went to a nice yakiniku at night with some Vancouver friends. One friend helped me get an account so I could use the 3.5G modem. Turned out the reception at neihu sucked....

12/27 單眼鏡頭, 天母新光, 士林夜市
- the most important shopping of this trip is the DSLR lens. It's the Christmas/new year/anniversary/valentine/birthday present for the other half. I have no idea about DSLRs so a friend who's well-informed helped us locate a shop and tested the lens. Since the shop was near 天母, we hung around there for a while. Some other friend was planning to go to 士林夜市 at night, so we met there, and started our eating trip. Needless to say, we overate, a LOT.

12/28 家庭聚餐, USC聚會, 快炒
- Another busy day. It started at noon where we had a family gathering. Basically everyone at my mom's side was there to see the newly weds (that's us). Then we rushed to the USC information session for new MBA applicants. Helped out talking about my MBA experience and persuade (dissuade?) them from going to MBA. Also met some of my MBA classmates. Then it's eating time with friends again...

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