
買bluetooh headset的心路歷程 I

自從開始列出我的shopping list之後, 我才發現我還真的蠻愛"想著"要買東西的。上班太閑 做事太累需要休息的時候, 就是看著自己的shopping list, 然後上網開始做research. 在家有事沒事也是在嚷嚷著要買東西, 到最後還被老婆警告:"不要再講你要買東西了!" 從那之後, 我就很安靜的研究我的shopping list 全破計劃

右邊的Shopping List是會跟據我最新的欲望/需求/research而改變。 當然人算不如天算, 偶爾也是會有突然要買的東西。 我一直以為Street Figher IV 跟 fighter joystick會是我第一個入手的, 不過倒是沒想到第一個買的是bluetooth headset...

3,4年前我就買過一個bluetooth headset. 當時正是我跟老婆的遠距離戀愛的時期。 幸虧那時候有skype, 我們每天可以打給對方。 但是那時候覺得一直坐在電腦前面講電話很累, 想要一個可以自由活動的方法。所以我就買了一個jabra BT250 跟 usb bluetooth receiver. 不過裝起來就發現了不少問題:

- bluetooh receiver不穩: 不知道是電腦太慢還是receiver太爛, 每次跑skype的時候都會有delay的問題。 Pairing 的時候也常常有問題
- BT250不好戴: 雖然聽的是很清楚, 可是BT250是需要掛在耳朵上的。 我每天都帶眼鏡, 所以一起用的時候會很卡

用了不久, 這兩個就被我打入冷宮。 到了幾個月前也沒什麼特別注意新的產品...

不過結婚搬到東京之後, 用skype的次數也慢慢變多。 再加上最近上班的時候想要用耳機聽些東西(現在用的耳機隔音太好, 同事叫我都聽不到),最近錢賺太多剛好有點閑錢, 就想要找個中高階的headset.

剛開始就是先到不同的購物/比價網站找目標. 我的做法是先找大家買的最多跟平均評價最高的。 在日本就是kakaku, Coneco, Amazon, Rakuten. 找了幾圈, 最後還是回到Jabra BT530. 雖然還是掛在耳朵上, 看起來還是比BT250輕便/舒服很多。 BT530的評價在日本網站上也算是最高的。 最後就暫時選定了

之後就是找不同的店比價, 之前生意做很大都在海外流浪,在臺灣, 日本,加拿大,美國都有住過一陣子, 也有很多人可以幫忙, 所以比價就連臺灣跟美國的網站也一起比(加拿大就不用了) 最後結果是加了運費後價錢都差不多。 不過就在這個時候發現了一個驚人的事...

在kakaku上有個評價也算不錯的Plantronics 925, 而且是耳塞型的。 剛開始的時候有注意一下, 不過日本一支要15000yen, 實在是超出我的預算。 可是在逛美國Amazon的時候, 發現這一支的評價比Jabra BT530高...而且只要... 63USD! 就算加上20USD的運費再換成日幣之後, 也才是日本售價的一半而已... 看到這個價錢, 我是在沒辦法說服自己不買... 經過一天的冷靜期(再加上我第二天check的時候居然變成68USD!), 我就按下了購買鍵.....


You are what you buy

Inspired by this article 7位兒女,3個網誌,迪士尼買單,媽媽部落客完美的「創作輪迴」, I have started to think about the purpose of my blog.

I have long held the view that writing about oneself on the net, in one form or another, is often a strange paradox. On one hand, people are eager to share their own experience to the accolade/approval of others. On the other hand, they are weary of the presence of trollers spewing toxic wastes. Of course, people deal with trollers in different ways, but it still doesn't change the fact that baring yourself in a public space is (potential) trouble.

But, vanity is everyone's favorite sin, and humans are still inherently social animals. People won't stop writing blogs just because a few paradoxes are standing in the way. That brings back to the purpose of my blog and what I want to do with it.

Since microblogging are the trends now, more traditional forms of blogging seem to become a supplement of them. People can spit out tens (or hundreds) of status updates/twits/plurks a day, and some of them might be worthy of a few paragraphs. So, the purpose of my blog lies in my plurks/twits. A short unscientific glimpse into thems reveals:

1. I say some weird stuff - some come from quotes of others, and some come from my observation of others, whom I don't agree with but don't have the guts have the courtesy not to confront them directly, which results in my seemingly philosophical quotes to mask my true, evil feelings.

2. I want to buy a lot of things,seriously

3. The rest of those plurks/twits are just random musing that serves no purpose...

Of the 3 options. writing about things I want to buy easily becomes a top choice. It serves my vanity, provides a topic for possible social discussion, and gives people(all 2 of you) a glimpse of me while not being deeply personal. More importantly, it is something I think about EVERYDAY so I won't easily run out of topics....
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