
下定決心換NAS: QNAP TS-212

10月中請了幾天假到台灣參加朋友的婚禮, 一個long weekend之後吃的飽飽的回日本. 回家開電腦後... 欸? NAS又有問題了... 這次是unknown error. 不過檔案都還讀的到. 趕快把全部backup起來後, 試著重新format. 不過error還是沒有消失. 這已經是第二台Buffalo過了一年保固就掛點的. 這次決定不買Buffalo了. 而且還要換一個2Bay可以來做RAID 1的. 這樣的話比較保險. 決定之後趕快請台灣的朋友到光華商場買了個 QNAP TS-212, 交給還在台灣逍遙的老婆帶回來...


因為老婆的行李塞爆了, 箱子就先拆了


One Last Thing…

By this time, everyone on Earth probably has known that Steve Jobs, the ex-CEO of Apple, has passed away yesterday.  All the SNSs are filled with messages for him, and I thought it would be out of fashion for me if I don’t write something on the subject.

A lot of people are paraphrasing his old speechs and quotes to show what a visionary he is, but to me, what I took most interest is the way he died. 

My dad passed away earlier this year.  He was a lifer on the sea, being a cargo ship captain.  At the end, he passed away suddenly on the ship on the way home of a brain aneurysm.  As we are preparing for his funeral, we talked about the little things that happened before he died and when we went to get the body on the ship.  It might have been just wishful thinking, but these little things and coincidences made us think that he was meant to go the way he did.  Perhaps the way people die is a snapshot of the way they lived.

So Steve Jobs died the day after Apple’s product annoucement, when people were complaining the underwhelming iPhone4S, the stock dipped 5% after trading,  and there was not a usual “One More Thing” from the Apple's new CEO.  Is there a more appropriate timing of Steve Jobs to stage the conclusion of his life?

Steve Jobs, the master showman, died the way he lived.

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